About Bertie

Bertie is a 1996 Fairway Taxi who was in service in London for 15 years. He moved to Essex for 3 years, and then sat for a couple of months before we found him and brought him to Lincolnshire. This is his continuing story.

Saturday 3 January 2015

It's worse than that he's dead Jim

Our first family outing in Bertie. We all went out to eat, happy to be driving in Bertie. After we hopped in the car, I turned the key…….and nothing. Not even a splutter, or whirr. I'm no technical expert, but knew that even if we had full lights etc on, we would hear something. It had to be a connection to the ignition system. I called Stuart (Bearing in mind this was Christmas Eve!), who picked up, and as I looked under the bonnet, he directed me to a wire to wiggle. I wiggled the wire as my wife and children looked on hopefully. I turned the ignition to hear………..Bertie roar into life! Phew. I made a mental note to sort out the connection, and find myself 10 days later remembering I must look at it!

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